Privacy Policy

Piggy Bank Stacks Online Boutique

Privacy Policy

As of Aug 1st st, 2020


Our privacy policy will disclose what “personal identifiable information” (PII) is used to conduct business between our customers (“You, or Your”), and our company (“Piggy Bank Stacks” “Us”, “We” , “Our”) or our online shop/boutique (“The Site”). In order to sell you goods or products on our site we must collect certain personal information to complete transactions (ex: name, mailing address, and debit/credit card information at checkout to process payment). We will give you a secure and safe experience when shopping on our site, by using tools, security software safeguards (i.e. Secure Socket Layer-“SSL”) to protect your personal information. We must disclose to you that this privacy policy only pertains to what we have the ability to control in regards to how your personal information is used, accessed, or collected on our site. Our company conducts business with third party companies (which we will state further in detail in this policy) who help host the site, process payments/transactions, advertise, and provide our customers with deals/promotions. The third party companies we conduct business with may have access to your “PII” that we either may need to share with them or that can be accessed by them without our control. We advise that you review the Privacy Policy of any third party company that is disclosed in our privacy policy, advertises on our site, or processes transactions on our site (ex: PayPal, Apple or Google Pay) to know how your information is collected & used by those companies. As our business and site grows, we may need to update our Privacy Policy to fit any changes that occur; we will revise the date of the policy (at the top of page) when any changes are made. Please take the time to review our policy whenever you visit/access our site to stay abreast of any changes.

Note:  Where permissible, we will notify you electronically of updates/changes made to our policy.


1)    Personal Information We Collect & Use:

a)    When you shop on our site; as stated above-we will collect your personal identifiable information to process your transaction at checkout. The information that we collect will be your name, mailing and billing address (if addresses are different), email address, telephone number (which may be optional), and credit card merchant information. This information is needed to be able to conduct the sale of goods with you to purchase our products.  Also for verification purposes during the checkout process of your order. Your credit card information will be used by us for this purpose only; if this should change in the near future, this privacy policy will be updated to state why and you will be notified of the changes via electronic mail (Email) only.

b)    Your name, mailing address & email address will be collected and stored in our sites database after the transaction process to update you on status of your order, send shipping carrier and tracking details, and to identify you if there are questions about your order or changes you need to make to your order.

c)     We will also collect and store this information to send you updates to this policy, changes to our site, coupons, and special sales/promotional offers we provide directly from Piggy Bank Stacks/Piggy Bank Stacks Clothing (if you agree to these notifications on our checkout page).

Note:  If you don’t agree to these notifications on our checkout page, we may still send certain offers via postal mail. You may Opt-out of all Sales & Offers notifications by contacting us at [email protected].


2)    Personal Information We May Need to Share:

a)    Piggy Bank Stacks Clothing Online Shop/Boutique is hosted by a third party company: Big Cartel, LLC. Though our company’s site is granted the liberty of being ran independently by Big Cartel, they provide software and services to the site that may require the collection of some of your personal information to help conduct their business with us.

b)   If you checkout with an electronic payment processing service, like PayPal; we may have to transfer your personal identifiable information for verification purposes to complete payment. Or in the event that the service believes that there has been an illegal or fraudulent act during a transaction process.

Note:  Most payment processing services will automatically collect your personal information once you choose to complete your transaction through their systems. Collection of your personal information through these services is not controlled by our company; therefore we are not responsible for your information and how it is used or collected.

c)     We may be required by law, law enforcement agencies or legal process (i.e. court order) to share certain personal information we obtain from you.

d)    If you use our site and reside outside of the US, we will take the proper measures (based on region) to share your personal identifiable information as required by law. And seek any permission(s) by you to share your personal information as require by law.



3)    Collection Of Personal Information, Not Controlled By Us :

a)    When you browse or shop on our site (or almost any site on the web), certain personal information (IP Address, web browser type, computer’s operating system, mobile network information, etc.) is collected by means of “cookies”, “web beacons" or other tracking technologies. 

·        Cookies are small data files sent from a website that are stored on your hard drive or on your device memory to help a site run more smoothly & efficiently when you browse it. Note: Cookies can be controlled by accessing your web browser’s settings. If you turn cookies “off”, it may interfere with your access on the site and/or being able to complete an order.

·        Web Beacons are electronic/graphic images (no larger than 1 pixel x 1 pixel) that are placed on a website or email to monitor the behavior of the user visiting the site or sending the email. An example of this action is: a site monitoring the amount of times you visit the site. Web Beacons normally work in conjunction with cookies.

b)   If you choose to use PayPal or any other electronic payment processing service during the checkout process of your order, those companies will collect personal identifiable information in order to complete your transaction. We are not responsible for what information is collected and how those third party companies use your information. They only provide our customers who shop on our site, a secondary means for payment at checkout if they have/use those payment services.

c)     If you leave our site by clicking on an advertisement by a third-party company, your personal information can or may be collected & shared by that company’s site.


4)    How We Protect Your Personal Identifiable Information:

When you browse or shop on our site, we will work to make sure every visit is a secure one; by using the appropriate technical safeguards to secure your personal information. Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) technology will be used on our site to protect the transmission (over the web) of your payment information, during the checkout process. We will also make sure any third-party electronic payment processing service offered on our site, uses the appropriate security measures and safeguards to secure your personal information before we allow their service to be offered on our site.

Note: You can check the security of your connection to the site by looking at the URL (address bar) line of your browser as you enter the site. You will see a lock icon before or after the URL address, and the first characters of the address will change from “http” to “https”. This lets you know the site is secure.


5)    Accessing Your Personal Information We Collect & Share:

To find out what personal information is collected and shared, and if there is any information you would like to update, click the “Contact Us” tab on our site and fill out the contact form; or email us at: [email protected]. Make sure to put in the comment box or subject line, your request of personal information collected/shared.


6)    Opt-Out of What Personal Identifiable Information Is Shared:

To opt-out of the sharing of your personal identifiable information, contact us via email at: [email protected]. Also to opt-out of what personal information is being shared from any third-party internet advertising, visit:

Note: In order for you to conduct business with us, it is a limited amount of information you can request not to be shared. We currently only share information needed to process your order, and where it may be applicable by law.  Personal Identifiable Information that you can request at this time not to be shared is: your email address & telephone number.